Who Needs Stories?
Remember that magical feeling when you were a kid, listening to wild tall tales? One-eyed monsters, mysterious femmes fatales, plastic surgeries gone wrong, Sylvia Plath with her head in the oven...
We’ve grown up, but our love for stories hasn’t faded. That’s why storytelling belongs in everything we create. It’s also why I’m always broke—ad men have mastered the art of storytelling, and we fall for it every time.
From cave drawings to novels to digital content, stories are the thread that ties humanity together. Ask any marketer, and they'll tell you—people trust a well-told, genuine story far more than a flashy slogan. It’s in our DNA.
Who do I write for? Myself, first and foremost.
"My taste is simple: I'm easily satisfied with the best."
Writing is seduction. Whether I'm pitching an idea or selling a product if I’m not seduced by it, how could I expect anyone else to be?