Who’s Writing This?

So, who the hell am I?

I'm a writer and photographer who mostly hanged around Italy, Switzerland, England, and Paris, France.

But of course, I have no idea who I am. Ask my therapist.

If I had the money, I’d hire two detectives to follow each other and then, maybe, I would understand something about myself... but there's one thing I know: storytelling. STORYTELLING in all of its forms.

I have continued to experiment through writing, acting, and photography. Cinema is my go-to inspiration because it's storytelling in its most complete form. That's exactly my approach when it comes to either writing or photography, be it for a film review or a toothbrush content marketing piece. The subject doesn't matter. What matters is to produce content that would bring images and sounds to the reader, maybe even the smell of a fresh pot of coffee and a warm cherry pie.